Thursday, January 24, 2013

step 1 (pics post)

tomorrow i'm going to see my primary physician to inquire about weight loss surgery and get her recommendation for a surgeon. i literally can't wait. on my three hour drive from school to home home (where my doctor is) i got the idea to look at old photos and see how much my weight has yo-yoed over the years. i decided i'd put them on here because why not? it's a good reminder as to why i want this so bad. also, after going through my photos it is really sad to think about how awfully i thought of myself in high school and even through college. i'm at my highest weight i've ever been at the current moment. to look through those pictures from high school and remember the thoughts i had about myself is really quite sad....siiiiigh. anyway, let's do this. IN CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER.

things i realize 
it's nearly impossible to find a picture of my legs (i never let it happen)
i really ballooned over this past year
i'd do anything to be the size i was in high school when i really "hated" my body

haha not much has changed 

                                                                  (junior year prom)

(moving into my dorm freshmen year...i remember being so insecure this day because of my weight)

summer after sophomore year (got broken up with)

junior year 

                                                                      senior year

summer after college 

                                                                   christmas 2012 :(


  1. You are such a beautiful girl! Good luck with weight loss surgery process!

    1. thank you so much! =D your blog has been so helpful and an inspiration. :)
